Bintulu - dreary oil and gas industry base
Kuching city - Sarawak's capital, the City of Cats is located at the western tip of the state
Belaga - Jumping point to many of inner Borneo's indigenous tribes and long houses
Miri - Sarawak's northern city, capital of the state's oil industry
Sibu - gateway to the hinterland of the Rejang River, Sarawak's and Malaysia's longest river
Sarikei - "food basket" for the Land of the Hornbills
Sri Aman - little town along the Batang Lupar, popular among local and foreign tourists especially during the annual tidal bore phenomenon 'benak' in April.
Mukah - a coastal town in Central Sarawak where the sago-eating tribe (Melanau) are found.
Kapit - one of the stopover along the Rejang and gateway to interior Sarawak
Bintangor - former name is 'Binatang' meaning animal. Famous for greenish skin orange.